Please complete this online complaint form if you wish to lodge a complaint with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) against a licensed bank, restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company (collectively referred to as ).
Before you lodge a complaint, please read the "FAQs – Complaints about Banking Products or Services" and "Flowchart of the Complaints Handling Process", which explain our role and procedures in handling complaints.
Alternatively, you are encouraged to make a formal complaint to the bank first in order to give it a chance to resolve your complaint at an early stage. Please refer to the
"List of banks' contact persons for handling customer complaints"
for the contact details of these officers.
You have to give the HKMA the necessary consent to handle your complaint on your behalf because we may need to disclose the information you have given to us (including your personal data) to the bank and other third parties for purposes related to the handling of your complaint when necessary.